Pure Studios Performing Arts: Bronze Tap Syllabus 2023-2024
Class Content:
Upon completion of this class, artist should be knowledgeable of and able to perform these skills:
Flaps forward
Flaps backwards
Ball changes
Cramp rolls
Shuffle hop step (Irish step)
Shuffle ball changes
Crawls both feet
Flap heel
Buffalo step
Paddle turns
Pure Studios Performing Arts: Silver/Gold Tap Syllabus 2023-2024
Class Content:
Upon completion of this class, artist should be knowledgeable of and able to perform these skills:
Flap heels and double heels
Flap heel turning
Shuffle ball changes
Shuffle steps
Irish steps
Buffalo steps
Cramp rolls
Cramp roll turns
4 point pressed cramp rolls side to side
Maxi ford
Pull backs
Pick ups
Crawls (one heel at a time)
Scissors right and left
Bell kicks
Off to broadways
Shuffle cross
Time steps
Waltz steps
5 count riff walks
Pure Studios Performing Arts: Platinum Tap Syllabus 2023-2024
Class Content:​
Upon completion of this class, artist should be knowledgeable of and able to perform these skills:
Off to broadways
Numerous ways to flap using front and side of tap
Shuffles all styles
Drawbacks normal and crossing
Pull backs both feet/syncopated/one foot, crossing, skipping and to toes
Wings all styles
Time steps
Traveling time steps
Shim sham
Maxi fords without and with a pick up
Waltz steps without and with pick up
Rhythm time steps
Rhythm turns
Shiggy bops
5 and 7 count riff walks
Heinz riffs without and with pick ups