Pure Studios Performing Arts: Bronze Jazz Syllabus 2023-2024
Class Content:
This class is participation oriented as movement will be presented by demonstration and description. Practice and repetition will be the primary methods of learning and are followed by corrections, clarification, and more detailed analysis. Our main goal is for the artists to experience the joy of dance, enrich their skills, and learn to appreciate the arts. Students will learn class etiquette, rhythm and counting music, coordination, and creativity.
Prerequisites: None
Upon completion of this class, artist should be knowledgeable of and able to perform these skills:
Jazz Walks
Jazz splits
Jazz squares
Fan kick
Kick ball change
Pivot turns
Pas de Bourrée
Chasse (forward, side, alternating)
Chaine turns
Fundamentals of pirouettes
Grand jete and/or Saut de Chat
Pure Studios Performing Arts: Silver Jazz Syllabus 2023-2024
Class Content:
This class is participation oriented as movement will be presented by demonstration and description. Practice and repetition will be the primary methods of learning and are followed by corrections, clarification, and more detailed analysis. In this course artists will spend time improving body alignment and coordination with an emphasis on developing skeletal and muscular awareness through movement.
Prerequisites: Bronze Jazz and/or similar technique training
Upon completion of this class, artist should be knowledgeable of and able to perform these skills:
Jazz walks
Jazz splits
Jazz squares
Fan kick
Kick ball change
Pivot turns
Pas de Bourrée
Chaine turns
Grand Jete and/or Saut de Chat
A la Seconde leap
Backwards roll
Side splits
Leg extensions
Clean single pirouette
Pencil turn
Pure Studios Performing Arts: Gold Jazz Syllabus 2023-2024
Class Content:
This class is participation oriented as movement will be presented by demonstration and description. Practice and repetition will be the primary methods of learning and are followed by corrections, clarification, and more detailed analysis. In this course, artists will spend time developing focus, balance, and clarity both mentally and physically.
Prerequisites: Silver Jazz and/or similar technique training
Upon completion of this class, artist should be knowledgeable of and able to perform these skills:
Jazz walks
Jazz splits
Jazz squares
Fan kick
Kick ball change
Pivot turns
Pas de bourrée
Chaine turns
Grand Jete and/or Saut de Chat
A la Seconde leap
Stag leap
Disk jump
Backwards roll
Front and side splits
Leg extensions
Clean double pirouette
Single attitude turn
Single leg turn
Pure Studios Performing Arts: Platinum Jazz Syllabus 2023-2024
Class Content:
This class is participation oriented as movement will be presented by demonstration and description. Practice and repetition will be the primary methods of learning and are followed by corrections, clarification, and more detailed analysis. In this course, artists will spend time developing their technical abilities while exploring their individual artistry.
Prerequisites: Gold Jazz and/or similar technique training
Upon completion of this class, artist should be knowledgeable of and able to perform these skills:
Jazz walks
Jazz splits
Jazz squares
Fan kick
Kick ball change
Pivot turns
Pas de Bourrée
Chaine turns
Grand Jete and/or Saut de Chat
A la Seconde leap
Stag leap
Disk jump
Backwards roll
Front and Side splits
Leg extensions
Clean triple pirouette
Single attitude turn
Double leg turn