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Pure Studios
Code of Conduct

We expect all artists at Pure Studios to be mindful and respectful of others, while also
taking pride in the way they present themselves through maintaining the dress code.  An artist should be prepared for class with all personal items labeled and a water bottle present. Only water is permitted in the class environment. Below you will find rules and regulations, note if their are conflicts, comments, or questions with the following, please reach out to our front desk therefore we can better clarify or come to an agreement. 

Behavior Clause
Pure Studios strives for a judgment-free zone, where joy and stress-relief are captured
in the classroom environment. For those students who refuse to participate in class, refuse to take class with an open mind of learning new things in order to improve and grow, continuously talk or prove to be  a distraction in class by an instructor, continuously not in dress code, proves to be disruptive to other classes in the building, talks down  inside or outside of the studio about other classmates, an artists or parent questions  our professionally trained staff about choreograph or song being changed   (that reasons do not apply/obtain due to religious reasons or belief of morals),  and not picking up personal trash inside our building  will  all be counted as a misbehavior. Misbehaviors have a three strike system. Strike one they will be talked to by an instructor, strike two they will be sent to the front office to be talked to by the owner and parents will be contacted, strike three the artists will be asked to be removed from the class until the following week in hopes of this behavior being corrected. Below are actions that will not be tolerated by  any artist/parent/family member/friend participating in the following actions and behaviors will result in a suspension or termination of all classes and contracts within 24 hours notice: any use of drugs, alcohol, or smoking/vaping on the premises, along with drama, gossip, bullying, or discrimination. Please report any misbehaviors to the front desk. 

Attendance Policy

In order for your artist to gain the appropriate knowledge and growth of our programs,
it is essential for each student to commit to and attend a continuous class schedule. All students must attend the last three weeks of classes and rehearsals in order for the artists to perform in our showcase at the end of each semester unless discussed one month prior to the last three weeks of class and approved by owners.
Pure Studios has the right to withhold any artist from a performance if they are not
prepared or do not represent Pure Studios in a respectful and responsible manner. 
We expect all artist families to follow the current health protocol guidelines. We give each artists 7 unexcused absences.  If an artist cannot attend class, we expect a notification at least two hours prior to class for the absence to be excused . If an artist is unwilling to make it to class, they can attend a make up class, scheduled with our front office. If an artist misses three weeks of classes in a row, the artist is automatically terminated from their contract and must pay termination fees.


Pure Studios strives to instill responsibility to each artist. When artists arrive they ae to check in to the front desk for what classes they will be attending that night. We expect each artist to arrive 10 minutes before class starts. Students are only allowed to be 10 minutes late, or else they are not allowed into class that day.  We expect a notification ahead of time if the artist will be late. We do not prorate for missed classes, but will allow your artist to schedule a make up class with one of our previously offered classes Monday-Thursday .
Payment Policy

Tuition fees are based on four independent classes and are prorated for months with less than 4 classes. Individual classes added to accommodate for scheduled conflicts that happen outside of pure studios or lessons that are semester classes that have less then 3 students in them, and are not paid as privates, but are paid as regular classes tuition, will end up being charged an additional $7 fee per class per month, which would be added  to the regular class tuition amount at the end of each month.    Program Package fees (Performance, Competition, Ballet Program, Pre-Pro Program, Musical Theater Program, Adult Bundle, Sports Medicine) are based on a full semester schedule (Aug-Dec & and Jan-May) and do NOT get prorated. 


Monthly fees will be generated and posted in your Parent Portal on the First (1st) of each month. Payment is due by the Seventh (7th) of each month and will be done by automatic processing if not already paid. A $38 late fee will be applied to all accounts not paid on time (this applies to all accounts and programs at Pure Studios).


Statements will be sent to delinquent or problem accounts, which must be resolved within 7 days of notification, otherwise the student will be dropped and denied access to their class. Accounts that become 30 days past due will be considered grounds for a collection action.


We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover.  Accounts are required to be paid online in your Parent Portal. Refunds will only be given via class credits.


Again, we do NOT prorate Program Package fees. An additional $38 cancellation fee will be applied to terminate a contract and requires a two week notice, otherwise the full amount of the classes registered/contracted for will be due upon termination.


 If a contract of classes is terminated for a student by the owners of Pure Studios, all outstanding fees will be due within seven days, along with the normal $38 termination fee.
Dress Code:

Any color leotard 
Baby pink footed tights 
Pink ballet shoes
Hair pulled up in a bun 
ballet skirts only
No loose jewelry 

Ballet Brand warm-ups only

Any color tight fitted top
Any color leggings or shorts 
Hair pulled up

No baggy clothes, unless Dance Brand attire
No skirts 
No loose jewelry 
Shoes necessary to perform well in class
All Other Classes:

Tight-fitted athletic attire
Hair pulled up

No loose jewelry 
Gym shoes with socks

Notebook and pen

Water bottle

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